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Montana Towns: Then, Now, Tomorrow

  • July 18, 2024
  • 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Hungry Horse Dam Visitor Center - 1510 Hungry Horse Dam Road, Hungry Horse, MT 59919

Montana is a state of extremes. Half the population lives in five communities and one third of residents lives in 10 others. After the large cities, the remaining 134 incorporated towns are unique, but often overlooked. These small towns were built around gold, coal and oil, timber, cows and sheep, early trails, roads, and rails. But time brings change. Why do some smaller towns hang in while others drift away? A few invent new roles and others reinvent themselves. A discussion helps us understand the small places that are a big part of the Montana story.

An educator for 34 years, Hal Stearns has a particularly fond interest in sharing his passion for Montana. He’s led tours coast to coast and lectured in over 40 states, Germany, England, Japan, Korea and Brazil. Hal also is a Montana Governor’s Humanities Award “Hero”, two-time National Endowment of the Humanities Fellow and Keizai Koho Scholar to Japan.

FREE to the public

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233 13th Street East

PO Box 312

Columbia Falls, MT


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