Books of photopoetry are more than just pretty images and words set next to each other. When done well and with intent, each informs and enhances the other, creating a unique third art form that places the reader-viewer at the center of interpretation. Havre-based poet Charles Finn and Missoula photographer Barbara Michelman will discuss the history of photography and poetry as seen through photopoetry, including its importance and place in Montana and the west.
Charles Finn is published poet and author of nature non-fiction. He also is the former editor of the literary and fine art magazine High Desert Journal and co-editor of two poetry anthologies.
Barbara Michelman is a published poet, educator in film studies and photography and has given public presentations and exhibitions across the United States. She also was one of the first women in Hollywood to work in film lighting.
Event is FREE and being held at the Hungry Horse Dam Visitor Center on June 20, 2024 from 6:30pm-7:30pm, (406) 387-5241 ext. 361.
Hungry Horse Dam is located on the South Fork of the Flathead River, 15 miles south of the west entrance to Glacier National Park and 20 miles northeast of Kalispell, MT
This event is put on by
Bureau of Reclamation, Hungry Horse Dam Visitor Center
For more information, please visit
233 13th Street East
PO Box 312
Columbia Falls, MT
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