Thursday, May 2, 2024, 8 - 1 p.m.
Red Lion Hotel
We VenturedBOLDLY into the opportunities and challenges of growth. Our fourth Growth Summit will expand our critical conversations and knowledge-building to identify community values, advocacy priorities, and drive solutions to ensure smart and positive growth for Kalispell. We are asking: What obstacles are slowing, hindering, or preventing health growth in the Valley?
Our 4th Growth Summit promises to be an extension of the work we began in 2023. We’ll be putting you to work at a very interactive event with trained local leadership as facilitators and expert consultants. Ensuring growth in the Flathead Valley and the challenges that come with it are civilly discussed, and paths forward are in place to ensure the outcomes we can influence and desires are met. Solution and action-oriented discussions will chart our next steps for 2024 and beyond.
This event is put on by
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